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I really like the theme of the game! I love the sprite of the little wizard I think it really cute and I also really like the how it collects gems! It all fits really well into the theme. 

I think it would be helpful or useful to have a score ui, so we can keep track of how many gems we have collected. In addition, at some points I had some trouble jumping and moving forward at the same time which sometimes made it challenging to jump onto platforms above the ground platform. 

But overall, well done! I loved the theme and the sprites!

The game theme is great with suitable character and background design. The game is mostly runnable except for a few places where I cannot control the player to jump up to the platform. In addition, there are some places where the player can jump outside the map.

First of all, the sprites are really cute and beautiful, I like the aesthetic of this game. The portal gun is quite unique, and I like the control of this game. The font style really matches the game.

All of the unique mechanics in this game are amazing! With a bit of polish I can see this being really popular! I was super surprised to see how well the portal mechanics seemed to work and especially all the cute details in the animations!

From the beta gameplay to the final product the improvement in the game was really nice to see. I could tell you all really worked on the game and loved that you kept all the same functionality throughout the game. The only improvement I would suggest is changing the portal functionality so that it is more original but it was so cool to see I am still shook.

I love the overall aesthetic of the game! From the BGM to the sprites and SFX, I believe you all nailed the magical fantasy vibe. I especially like how there's story telling through the different levels as well! The second and last level in particular are my favorites because the gameplay is very unique. The floating portal gun, however sort of throws off the fantasy theme since it's from a sci-fi game so having a different sprite and colors for the portals would be better I think. I got stuck in Level 1 because I didn't notice I could climb the vines. Maybe adding some SFX for climbing would help alleviate that. 

I like the game universe a lot. IT was really large and I think it added to the aesthetic and feel of the game. Although the sprite work was good, I think that there are still some areas where it could have been improved.

I had a great time playing this game. It is very user friendly. 

The name is really cute! I like how the character is a little floaty~ gives it a magical aspect. In one part on level 2, I got into a cave and got lost and wasn't sure where to go from there. I'm not sure if this is like a bug or I was just supposed to find the way out.

I love the theme of this game. It is super cute and I love the different scenes across levels. The fonts work really really well with the pixel art style and even this itch page is set up so beautifully. The character is endearing and I like the innovation of the portal. It definitely makes the game a lot interesting! Very nice job!

The sprite work for the tiles and characters are great, I especially love how detailed the walking animation is with the hat! The checkpoints are also neat to have for the player given how big most of the levels are. I think the main things that would make the game better are detailed sprites for spikes and other placeholder elements and control instructions for mouse and keyboard.

I really like the visual theme of the game and the use of background music for the levels. I like the addition of the checkpoint system and the portal idea is interesting. It was not obvious at first that the player is able to climb on the vines so maybe you could add some kind of indicator that tells the player the vines are interactable. Overall, the game was really enjoyable and I think it's just missing some more visual elements and sprites in some areas to make the art more consistent.

This game had such a unique, playful feel to it and was overall a lot of fun to play! Your choice to add the ability to create a portal was so creative and one that I felt added a new layer of ingenuity to your game. One thing that I think could be improved is how detailed and complex some of the levels were as it may fail to optimize the attention span of the player when the level completion begins to feel unattainable. Instead, you could perhaps split some of the levels into two, separate levels of their own. Overall, a job really well done!

I really liked this game. I had a really good time breaking all the levels. The spiders were chumps, but the bats suck. I believe the wall hacks could be adjusted because they're a little too OP. Teleport level 10/10 would recommend. GG EZ

I think the game was really nice art wise! I liked the jungle background. However, I think some of the elements of the game could use better art. For instance, the red spikes look more like a square than actual spikes. I think it would make more sense to draw a full on spike to make it clear that they can kill you. I also felt like the gravity in the game was a bit too low. Besides that I liked it thought!

I like how the game fit to the theme of being a pixelated character going through a level. The way the levels are designed and the aesthetic and environment just fits well with the player and story. As mentioned in class, I feel like the portal level might be a bit confusing to some people since I myself have never played portal and would be left confused as to how to progress. Overall, I really liked how the different variables like environment, animation, and aesthetic just balances and support the world building. 

I really love the progression of levels throughout this game. The design of the vines really cute, and also added an intuitive way to let the player see that they're climbable. Again, the change in scenery and vibe of each level was well done, and it made me really feel like I was traveling through a world. I would recommend just a few added textures in the last level, but great overall!

The world building is absolutely amazing. I can really appreciate the time and effort put in to make the worlds different and still fun to see. I really like the design of the boots to the wand to the checkpoints. I think they were all choices that went well with the theme. Besides the fact that the spikes looked a little out of place because of the overall design I thought everything else was wonderful.

I really like the effort and creativity and elaborateness of this game because it feels like the world keeps on extending and it keeps the fun/energy up for the user to keep playing and exploring. I also like how you took the player into account when adding the checkpoints. The UI could be improved by having visual indicators for the information such as score and highest score.

I really like the checkpoints for the game which is really friendly to users since each level is pretty big. I really like the key design which makes the game more fun. The sprites are adorable and the sound for each level is really attractive.

The world is so big and the level are very intricate. Some objects in the levels didn't get sprite like the spikes but I thought that the level music volume was perfect.

thx for the suggestion

The size of the levels are extremely large so it's fun to explore around the levels. The menu and UI have nice fonts and the portal gun addition is really cool. I also really like how abilities are locked behind pick-ups. Overall, the game is great and the artwork fits together well.

This game was super impressive to watch in the demo. I think the sprites are wonderful and the game mechanics are super interesting. I like how there were multiple different areas for the player to explore, and how there were different things that the player could do through each one. I like how it was also a little less 2D platformer and more exploration based. It tells a neat story. Super awesome work!